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Notice of an Extraordinary Town Meeting

Parishioners in Godalming are exercising their right in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12, Part III to call an Extraordinary Town Meeting on Monday, 9 April 2018 at 7.30pm to be held at the Wilfrid Noyce Centre.  The meeting has been called for the purpose of debating...

Godalming Foodbank

If you or someone you know is in need Godalming Citizens Advice offer discretionary food parcels for their clients. Their opening times are 10- 4, Monday to Friday.  You can also call the Advice Line on 0344 848 7969. Citizens Advice Waverley supports the Godalming Foodbank by distributing emergency food parcels...

Helping Hands Dementia Workshop

Jeremy Hunt visits Helping Hands dementia workshop “Experts in home care.” That’s how the Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, described Helping Hands Guildford and Godalming last week when he attended a dementia workshop in Godalming, Surrey. Founded in 1989, the host Helping Hands is the nation’s leading dementia home care provider that supports individuals...

Godalming Museum has a New Lease of Life!

At its Full Council meeting held on Thursday, 14 September 2017, Godalming Town Council ratified its decision to take ownership of the Godalming Museum from Waverley Borough Council. With an agreement for Waverley Borough Council to support the Town Council for the next 5 years, Godalming Town Council has the assurance...