Knowing which council to contact for information about services or to report something that needs doing can be confusing. Our A-Z of services will help you to contact the right council about services in Godalming.
Abandoned Vehicles | 01483 523333 | |
Adult Learning | 03456 009 009 | |
Adult Social Care | 03456 009 009 | |
Air Quality | 01483 523333 | |
Allotments | 01483 523575 | |
Ancestry | 01483 523575 | |
Anti-social Behaviour | 01483 523333 | |
Asbestos | 03456 009 009 |
Benches | 01483 523575 | |
Benefits | 01483 523333 | |
Bin Collections | 01483 523333 | |
Birth Registration | 03456 009 009 | |
Blue Badge Scheme | 03456 009 009 | |
Bonfire Nuisance | 01483 523333 | |
Building Control | 01483 523333 | |
Burials | 01483 523575 | |
Bus Passes | 03456 009 009 | |
Bus Shelters | 01483 523575 | |
Business Rates | 01483 523333 |
Careline | 01483 523333 | |
Car Parks | 01483 523333 | |
Cars - Abandoned | 01483 523333 | |
Cemeteries | 01483 523575 | |
Charity Collections | 01483 523333 | |
Child Abuse | 03456 009 009 | |
Childcare | 03456 009 009 | |
Child Protection | 03456 009 009 | |
Christmas Festival | 01483 523575 | |
Cinema | 01483 523333 | |
Civil Emergencies | 01483 523333 | |
Civil Partnerships | 03456 009 009 | |
Clinical Waste Collections | 01483 523333 | |
Community Centres | 01483 523575 | |
Community Recycling Centre | 03456 009 009 | |
Community Safety | 01483 523333 | |
Community Transport | 01428 681701 | |
Complaints | 01483 523575 | |
Concessionary Fares on Buses | 03456 009 009 | |
Conservation Areas | 01483 523333 | |
Council Housing | 01483 523333 | |
Council Meetings | 01483 523575 | |
Council Tax | 01483 523333 |
Day Centres | 01483 523333 | |
Dead Animals | 01483 523333 | |
Death Registration | 03456 009 009 | |
Development Control (Planning) | 01483 523333 | |
Disability Badges | 03456 009 009 | |
Disabled Facilities Grants | 01483 523333 | |
Dog Fouling | 01483 523333 | |
Dogs - Lost & Found | 01483 523333 | |
Dumps (Rubbish) | 01483 523333 |
Education | 0345 009 009 | |
Elections & Electoral Register | 01483 523333 | |
Emergency Planning | 01483 523333 | |
Environmental Services | 01483 523333 |
Family History | 01483 523575 | |
Farmers' Market | 01483 523575 | |
Flooding | 01483 523333 | |
Fly Posting | 01483 523333 | |
Fly-Tipping | 01483 523333 | |
Food Bank | 03448 487969 | |
Food Safety - Businesses | 01483 523333 | |
Food Poisoning | 01483 523333 | |
Foxes | 01483 523333 | |
Freedom of Information Requests | 01483 523575 | |
Furniture Collection | 01483 523333 |
Garden Waste | 01483 523333 | |
Godalming Leisure Centre | 01483 410500 | |
Godalming Museum | 01483 426510 | |
Godalming Police | 101 | |
Graffiti Removal | 01483 523333 | |
Grants | 01483 523575 | |
Grants - Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) | 01483 523575 | |
Gritting | 03456 009 009 |
Historic Buildings | 01483 523333 | |
Home Care | 03456 009 009 | |
Homelessness | 01483 523333 | |
Housing | 01483 523333 |
Libraries | 03456 009 009 | |
Leisure Centre - Godalming | 01483 410500 | |
Licensing | 01483 523333 | |
Listed Buildings | 01483 523333 | |
Litter | 01483 523333 | |
Litter Bins | 01483 523575 | |
Local Plan | 01483 523333 | |
Lost Property | 101 |
Marriage Registration | 03456 009 009 | |
Mayor of Godalming | 01483 523575 | |
Meals on Wheels | 01483 523333 | |
Museum | 01483 426510 |
Neighbourhood Plan | 01483 523575 | |
Noise Complaints | 01483 523333 |
Parking | 01483 523333 | |
Parking Fines - Car Parks | 01483 523333 | |
Parking Fines - On Street | 03456 009 009 | |
Parking Permits | 01483 523333 | |
Parking - Residents' Permits | 01483 505050 | |
Parks & Recreation Grounds | 01483 523333 | |
Pest Control | 01483 523333 | |
Planning | 01483 523333 | |
Playgrounds | 01483 523333 | |
Police | 101 | |
Potholes | 03456 009 009 |
Recycling | 01483 523333 | |
Residents' Parking | 03456 009 009 | |
Road Closures | 01483 523333 | |
Roads | 03456 009 009 | |
Rubbish Collections | 01483 523333 | |
Rubbish Tips | 03456 009 009 |
Schools | 03456 009 009 | |
Social Care | 03456 009 009 | |
Social Services | 03456 009 009 | |
Sports Pitches | 01483 523333 | |
Stray Dogs | 01483 523333 | |
Street Cleaning | 01483 523333 | |
Street Closures | 01483 523333 | |
Streetlights | 03456 009 009 | |
Street Naming & Numbering | 01483 523333 | |
Surrey History Centre | 03456 009 009 |
Taxi Licensing | 01483 523333 | |
Trading Standards | 03456 009 009 | |
Tree Hazards - Roads | 03456 009 009 | |
Trees | 01483 523333 | |
Tree Preservation Orders | 01483 523333 |
Vandalism | 01483 523333 | |
Visit Surrey | - | |
Voting | 01483 523333 |
Waste Collections | 01483 523333 | |
Weddings | 03456 009 009 |