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Competition Results – Mayor of Godalming’s Hope Competition

Hope wins ?

Thank you to all those who entered the Mayor of Godalming’s competition for Hope launched on International Nurses Day (12 May), the bicentennial of the birthday of the world’s most famous nurse, Florence Nightingale.

The Mayor is delighted to announce the five winners. Four winners are aged between 19 and 100+ and they are:

Gillian Martin: whose contribution included, “Celebrate the ordinary miracles of the seasons, of HOPE regained, of love of family and friends, and of surprises that turn out miraculous simply by renewing our lives”.

Robert Shaw: who says, “When this is over, I hope that the doorstep clapping and cheering does not go unheeded and our NHS nurses from around the globe get the support, respect and wages that they deserve”.

Catherine Marsden: whose words included, “And I hope we remember that time did not stand still, our world is richer, not narrower, but we are changed”.

Catherine Bartles: whose poem included these lines, “Time waves hopefully, clearly like a flag picked up by the wind – colourful and exciting. Our empty beach fills up. But I hope we will still wait and watch, connect and comfort, see and hear.”

The OVERALL winner is aged 8 years and her name is Florence. She ends her excellent submission with these encouraging words,

But until then, stay smiling”.