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Crown Court Public Toilets – Consultation

Godalming Town Council wishes to apply to the Department For Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) for funding from the Community Ownership Fund for the renovation and refurbishment of Crown Court public toilets to provide modern, gender-neutral, hygienic toilet facilities with disability access and a private baby changing facility.  If successful the DLUHC will fund 80% of the costs, with Godalming Town Council required to fund the remaining 20%. Godalming Town Council has agreed in principle that its 20% should come from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL)  This fund  exists to support local infrastructure needed to support a growing community and is made up by financial contributions from those who have carried out development in Godalming.  As a community asset provided for the well-being of the community, the cost of running the Crown Court public toilets is paid for by residents through the parish precept element of council tax and costs each household approximately 4.5 pence a week. 

Godalming Town Council would like to find out whether residents support this approach and would like to ask that you take a few moments to complete a survey.

Deadline for responses is Friday, 7 July 2023.

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