Conservatoire Concerts – The Show Goes On!
Conservatoire Concerts will go on!
Conservatoire Concerts offer you another online concert this Saturday, 13 February, at 6.30pm on our website entitled A Romantic Piano Recital, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
This online concert features pianist Alessandro Viale, performing on a 19th century fortepiano from his home in Basel, featuring works by Chopin, Grieg, Liszt, Schubert, Schumann and more.
If you would like to support these musicians visit our website where you can leave a contribution.
Alternatively you can make a donation via BACS (please make sure you reference any donation with the word Godalming). Bank details are: Account Number: 00030776 Sort Code 40-52-40).
We hope you can join us.
For more details, please contact Suzanne Cacciottolo on 07940013314 or email Suzanne.cacciottolo@gmail.com