The Godalming Climate Forum aims to bring together local groups with an environmental interest. The Forum hopes to share ideas, expertise, resources and publicity across groups. This will hopefully result in practical action, focused effort, reduced duplication and climate grant applications made by groups, individually or jointly by groups working together.
We hope that combining forces will help to raise public awareness and participation in working on your aims, projects and public events, which will make each of them more successful.
Organisations participating in the Godalming Climate Forum have said that they would like to make it easier for the people of Godalming to take action to prevent climate catastrophe. They extend an invitation to every resident and worker in Godalming to join in with their projects. We know that there is so much talent, expertise and enthusiasm in Godalming and we all want to work together to make all of our efforts more successful.
Further Information

Godalming Cycle Campaign
(Community Group)
Key Aim: A community where active travel is safe and convenient for all ages and abilities.
Email: hello@cyclegodalming.com

Compassion in World Farming
(Non-governmental Charity)
Key Aim: End factory farming and working for a regenerative food system worldwide.
Contact: Nick Palmer – Head of CIWF UK
Email: nick.palmer@ciwf.org

Extinction Rebellion Godalming
(International Movement)
Key Aims: Non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse, by campaigning for the government to tell truth about the climate, implement systemic change and to allow citizens to contribute to key decisions via a Citizen’s Assembly.
Contact: Joyce Turton
Email: joyceturton07@googlemail.com
Enquiries: xrgodalming@gmail.com

SW Compass – Environment & Transport Research & Action Group
(Community Group)
Key Aims: To build a good society, based on the principles of equality, sustainability and democracy. To examine at a local level how to improve and implement environmental and transport policy which reduces carbon emissions and increases biodiversity.
Contact: Juliet Woolf
Email: Juliet.woolf@btopenworld.com

Compassion in World Farming
(Non-governmental Charity)
Key Aim: End factory farming and working for a regenerative food system worldwide.
Contact: Nick Palmer – Head of CIWF UK
Email: nick.palmer@ciwf.org

Godalming Nappy Library
Key Aims: We offer free, impartial advice & support to all local parents interested in using reusable (cloth) nappies and wipes. We also offer kits for hire, so you can see if reusables are for you, and what type of nappies you prefer.
Contact: Clare Weightman
Email: godalmingnappies@gmail.com

Make world-class live learning accessible to everyone.
Provoke curiosity and a desire for discovery in as many people as possible.
Empower people to think critically, to act on the basis of evidence, and to be wiser and kinder stewards of our biosphere and communities.
Prepare global citizens for roles that don’t yet exist, and inspire diverse voices to tackle the world’s biggest problems.
Put nature first in all of our thinking.

Greener Godalming
Aim: The purpose of this group is to support each other on our journey to more sustainable living, understanding that we are all at different stages on that journey, by sharing tips on being more sustainable along with realistic visions for a more sustainable world.
We want to emphasise the positive, while not ignoring the inconvenient and concerning truths about global warming and the state of the natural world.
We aim to concentrate on facts as much as possible.
Contact: Karin McDonald
Email: greenergodalming@yahoo.com

What Next?
Aim: We are in a climate and ecological emergency. We need to work together to minimise further change and adapt to the consequences of the change we have already experienced.
We need to take action on a Local as well as Global scale. At What Next? our goal is to support local communities across Waverley Borough in mitigating, preparing and adapting to the impact of climate change and ecological damage.
We aim to provide: information, support, advice, guidance and action through activities, events, workshops and installations in our centre.
Equally important, we would like to share; entertainment, joy, opportunities for creativity, music, fun, connection and, most all, hope for the future.
Offer: We can provide a venue for Climate mitigation projects.
We have a cosy lounge and a catering kitchen.
We are looking for volunteers to run and support projects and we can support environmental groups and organisation ins Godalming and Waverley.
Contact: David Faraday
Email: david@whatnext.earth
What Next is a registered charity.
Our Charity Registration Number is 1196404.

Rotarians Supporting the Environment
(Non-Political Global Organisation)
Key Aims: To contribute wherever we can to help enhance environmental sustainability.
Contact: Ian Coult
Email: ian@coults.co.uk

What Next? Climate Emergency Centres for Waverley
(Charitable Status Pending)
Key Aims: To support the local communities across Waverley Borough in mitigating, preparing and adapting to the impact of climate change and ecological damage.
We aim to provide: information, support, advice, guidance and action.
Equally important, we aim to provide entertainment, joy, opportunities for creativity, music, fun, connection and, most of all, hope for the future.
Contact: Dr David Faraday
Email: contact@whatnext.earth
What Next? Website
11 Wharf Street, Godalming, GU7 1NN

Community Orchard Project South East (COPSE)
(Community Interest Company)
Key aims: Community Orchard Project South East (COPSE) is a social enterprise set up to engage with other community organisations and landowners to create and enhance community orchards in and around Surrey and further afield in the South East.
Claire Matthes, Project Co-ordinator.
Email: clairematthes.copse@gmail.com
Mobile: 07765 890484
Gareth Matthes, Ecologist.
Email: gareth.copse@gmail.com
Mobile: 07966 185308

Zero Waste Showcase
(Not For Profit Community Resource)
Key aims: Zero Waste Showcase provides a loan box of single-use-plastic reduction ideas: available for borrowing by community groups, local businesses, schools or even individuals/family groups. Intention is not for contents to be used, but to be picked up, examined, sniffed(!) and initiate “zero waste” discussions around ways to cut down on single use plastic.
Anna Fosbery, Project Co-ordinator.
Email: zero.waste.showcase@gmail.com

Repair Cafe Godalming
Key aims: Repair Cafe Godalming aims to help repair broken household items to avoid disposal and the need to replace, at no cost to the owner.
Contact: Ian Coult
Email: repcafegod@btinternet.com
Phone: 07771 920302
The Repair Cafe Godalming’s Webpage
Information coming soon.

B-Lines | Buglife
The B-Lines are a series of ‘insect pathways’ running through our countryside and towns, along which we are restoring and creating a series of wildflower-rich habitat stepping stones.

Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (University of Surrey) (CUSP)
Our guiding vision for sustainable prosperity is one in which people everywhere have the capability to flourish as human beings—within the ecological and resource constraints of a finite planet. A prosperous society is concerned not only with income and financial wealth, but also with the health and wellbeing of its citizens, with their access to good quality education, and with their prospects for decent and rewarding work. Prosperity enables basic individual rights and freedoms. But it must also deliver the ability for people to participate meaningfully in common projects. Ultimately, prosperity must offer society a credible and inclusive vision of social progress. The over-arching goal of CUSP is to contribute to that essential task.

Countdown to a Resilient Future
Countdown is a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, turning ideas into action.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Defra develops and implements policy on the environment, food and rural issues. It has responsibility for protecting biodiversity, the countryside and the marine environment, and for supporting the growth of a sustainable green economy, including rural communities, and British farming and food production.

Ethical Consumer Magazine
Each issue features detailed product guides, news of ethical products and campaigns, in-depth features, opinion, comment, boycott updates, readers’ letters, and much more. Discover the truth behind the products we buy and the companies we buy them from.

Friends of the Earth
We are part of an international community dedicated to protecting the natural world and the wellbeing of everyone in it. We lead campaigns, provide resources and information, and drive real solutions to the environmental problems facing us all.

NASA Global Climate Change – Vital Signs of the Planet
NASA’s role is to make observations of our Earth system that can be used by the public, policymakers and to support strategic decisions. Its job is to do rigorous science. However, the agency does not promote particular climate policies.

Oxford Climate Society
Developing the next generation of informed climate leaders.
Oxford Climate Society’s Website

Permaculture Magazine
Permaculture features practical articles on organic gardening, agriculture, agroforestry, alternative technology, eco-architecture, personal and community development and much more.

Project Drawdown
Our mission is to help the world reach “Drawdown”— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.

Surrey Wildlife Trust
Together with our members and volunteers, we work to protect wildlife across Surrey, both on our nature reserves and through our work with others.

United Nations – Climate Action
Climate action will help us achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals aimed at increasing prosperity and well-being while protecting the environment. Climate action means increasing jobs, building sustainable cities and communities, increasing the use of clean, renewable energy and reduces air pollution.

The Woodland Trust
Our vision is a UK rich in native woods and trees, for people and wildlife.

WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability; and protect and restore species and their habitats. Our efforts ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decision-making from a local to a global scale.
You may wish to come and learn, or you may have a lot to teach. Either way the groups in the Godalming Climate Forum will be delighted to hear from you. Please contact any of the groups directly. If you represent a group and would like to participate in the Godalming Climate Forum, please fill in this form:
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Any personal information such as name, postal address, telephone number, and email address given via this website/form will only be used to provide a requested service, kept for as long as necessary to provide that service and will not be disclosed to any other third party without your prior permission or unless we are required to do so by law.