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Godalming Museum has a New Lease of Life!

At its Full Council meeting held on Thursday, 14 September 2017, Godalming Town Council ratified its decision to take ownership of the Godalming Museum from Waverley Borough Council.

With an agreement for Waverley Borough Council to support the Town Council for the next 5 years, Godalming Town Council has the assurance needed to work with The Godalming Museum Trust to continue to provide the excellent museum service which is of so much benefit to the town.

The Mayor of Godalming, Councillor Simon Thornton said “I am really pleased that all the hard work by Councillors and Officers has enabled us to facilitate the continuation of Godalming Museum for residents and visitors alike.”

Through the partnership of Godalming Town Council, The Godalming Museum Trust and Waverley Borough Council the Town Council is confident that with the support of the excellent museum staff and volunteers, the Museum will continue to go from strength to strength

The official handover will take place on Saturday, 7 October 2017 at a special event in the Museum where Councillor Simon Inchbald, Mayor of Waverley, Councillor Simon Thornton, Mayor of Godalming, and Mr Alan Bott, Chairman of the Board of Trustees will be in attendance along with Councillors, the Museum Trustees and other invited guests.