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Mayor of Godalming Launches New Competition to Mark International Nurses’ Day

International Nurses’ Day fell on Tuesday, 12 May and it is my privilege to launch a competition that I hope many of you will feel inspired to enter ?

The rainbow has always been a sign of hope and it has become a familiar image in this difficult time of COVID-19. The rainbow is also a sign of things to come, of change.  But, what change? How do we see the “new normal”?

This competition sets out your challenge, and it is to complete the sentence, “When this is over, I hope …….”

You can write in prose or poetry, using illustrations of any kind as you wish, but you are limited to one side, size A4. The closing date for this competition will be Saturday, June 6 – the day that the Town Show would normally have been held, and so the competition will also be judged by Andy Quinn, Chair of the Godalming Round Table.  Round Table members dedicate their time and talents for the benefit of others and every year (except this one) they add colour to Godalming with the Town Show and invite one and all.

Tuesday 12 May 2020 is the bicentenary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. In difficult times she overcame prejudice through a great deal of determination, persistence and work. She transformed nursing and hygiene and it is thanks to her that nursing is a respectable career choice. She was called, “The Lady of the Lamp” because she gave hope and worked and campaigned for positive change.

Please email your entry to me,, or post or deliver to me at Amity, Station Road, Farncombe, GU7 3NF by Saturday, June 6 at 4.00pm. Make sure that your age and name and address are associated with your entry.

The age ranges of the competition are: 0-5; 6-10; 11-18, 19-100+