



#We’re helping you stay safe in Godalming  

In line with the Government’s recovery plan to reopen high streets after the economic shock of lockdown, our goal is to support our local businesses and to encourage our community and visitors to feel safe to shop in Godalming.

Godalming Town Council has put the following measures in place to ensure everyone’s visit to the high street is as safe as possible:

  • Rainbow social distancing pavement markings
  • Heavy Duty hand sanitiser machines
  • Enhanced signage and messages for Stay Safe social distancing and face coverings displayed
  • Traffic restrictions at peak times – FAQs below, for access permits please call 01483 523575
  • Godalming & Farncombe Shops & Businesses Guide to help the community Keep Safe and Shop Local

Godalming Shops and Businesses are set to welcome you, please support them as they have supported you.


As the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions are amended Godalming Town Council is supporting our community by implementing relevant guidance and advice issued by HM Government on creating ‘Safer Public Spaces’.  In addition to the social distancing markings and signage which have been installed throughout the retail areas a Temporary traffic restriction for Godalming town centre will also be coming into force from 15 June 2020.

Government Guidance issued on 13 May 2020 relating to the Management of Social Distancing in High Streets and Town Centres highlighted that “it is within high streets that conflict in achieving social distancing is most likely to arise” and set out a number of temporary interventions for high streets and town centres, including the widening of footways by utilising roadways. With the narrow pavements along the High Street, social distancing would not be achievable without utilising the roadway.  However, it is recognised that Godalming High Street is also a one way road serving a number of side roads and business parking areas. As such, both social distancing protocols and the amenity of the residents and businesses needed to be considered and where possible, arrangements put in place that achieve an appropriate balance between differing requirements.

Godalming Town Council has agreed to support the implementation of the Temporary prohibitions and restrictions authorised by the Highways Authority, and will provide staff to manage the access barrier to the High Street between 10.30am and 3.30pm Monday-Saturday.

Access to the High Street will be restricted between 10.30am and 3.30pm Monday-Saturday from its junction with Queen Street to the junction with Church Street at The Pepperpot.  Access for residents, town centre workers and deliveries will be controlled at the High Street barrier between 10.30am and 3.30pm.  Please note that access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at ALL times.

If you have a parking space within the restricted area but do not currently have an access permit, please contact 01483 523575 for further information.

In supporting our community as we ease out of the current lockdown we will do our best to ensure that any disruption or inconvenience to town centre residents and businesses is kept to a minimum and will keep restrictions under review.

The Q&A below will hopefully answer most of the questions you may have, but If you do require any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.


We have set out the most frequently asked questions and answers, which we hope will give you the information you may wish to know.

The Prohibition and Restriction on Roads Order covers a 298 metre stretch of road between the High Street barrier adjacent to Queen Street and The Pepperpot.  The prohibitions and restrictions are an extension of those that normally apply within the same area on a Saturday.  The aim of the closure is to remove as many obstacles to enabling safer social distancing within the area of highest footfall area of Godalming High Street as possible. The duration of the restrictions will be kept under review.

1.   What will happen to emergency vehicle access?

Access for emergency vehicles is maintained at all times.

2.   Will residents of Great George Street, Moss Lane, Pound Lane and Harts Yard still have access?

The High Street Bollard is operational on Monday-Saturday between 10.30am and 3.30pm, residents and workers who have designated car parking spaces within the prohibited and restricted area will be able to access their designated parking spaces if they have a swipe card for the High Street bollard.  

3.   What will happen to buses that normally go through the town centre?

As of 1 September buses will be operating on their normal route through the High Street.

4.   What will happen to vehicles trying to deliver to residents and businesses e.g. couriers, postman, deliveries to vulnerable residents, during the time the barrier is closed?

Delivery vehicles which have applied for an swipe card will be able to access the restricted area to facilitate deliveries.

5.   What is the intention in regards to cycling through the town centre?

Cycling along the High Street, following the one-way traffic direction, is permitted during the restricted period. 

6.   Will the on-street parking be properly enforced?

To promote and encourage responsible parking, on-street enforcement officers will be operating within the Godalming and Farncombe areas.

7.   Will those with disability requirements be able to access the High Street?

Blue Badge Holders will have normal access and be able to park in the restricted area before 10.30am and after 3.30pm.

Only private vehicles belonging to residents and workers who have a permit for a designated parking space will be allowed access during the restricted period. Crown Court Car Park, South Street Car Park and Queen Street have provision for vehicles with Blue Badge holders to park.

8.  Will the public toilets be reopened?

Crown Court Public Toilets partially reopened on 1 June (single unisex accessible facility and male urinals), the public toilet facilities will be fully open by 15 June.  

9.  Will businesses be allowed A boards and other display boards on the pavements?

The display of advertising boards on the highway (including pavements) is managed by Surrey County Council. To assist with the aim of reducing obstacles and obstructions to the enabling social distancing protocols, it is hoped that businesses will limit the use of pavement advertising display boards. However, where advertising boards are causing obstruction or restrictions of the pavement or highway, we will engage with the owner to try seek a suitable outcome. If this cannot be achieved Godalming Town Council will seek the removal of pavement display boards in line with the County Council’s procedures.

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