If you wish to apply for a stall at the Spring Festival please complete the form below. The Festival runs from 10.00am until 4.00pm (set up from 8.00am – clear down from 5.00pm).
- Please read the form with care and complete all sections clearly.
- Submitting a booking form for the market does not guarantee a place at the market. Booking forms to be received by 17 February 2025 and priority will be given to stallholders whose business is based closest to Godalming. You will be notified by e-mail on 24 February 2025 whether or not you have been allocated a pitch in the market.
- If your application is successful you will be sent an invoice for your pitch fee. Booking fees are non-refundable should a booking be cancelled after Friday, 7 March 2025.
- Forms received after this date will NOT be considered.
Please do not send a cheque or make a BACS payment until you are notified that your application has been successful; you will be invoiced for the fee.
THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT MUST BE SENT IN TO BE ATTACHED TO YOUR APPLICATION: Copy of your current Public Liability Insurance that is valid for the day of the festival. If you are a food trader, please also supply a copy of your FSA Rating. PLEASE SUBMIT VIA EMAIL: community@godalming-tc.gov.uk
Please note applications will not be processed without a copy of your insurance which must be emailed at the same time as your application.