Godalming Town Council is made up of 18 elected councillors who cover five wards:
9 x Liberal Democrats
2 x Green
3 x Labour
2 x Conservative
2 x Independent
Binscombe Ward
Central & Ockford Ward
Charterhouse Ward
Farncombe & Catteshall Ward
Holloway Ward

Alex Adam (Liberal Democrat) represents the Farncombe & Catteshall Ward.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | Sport Godalming |
Task & Finish Group | CIL Project Governance |
Email: [email protected]
Alex has lived in and around Godalming for most of his life and studied at Godalming Sixth Form before travelling and working overseas for a number of years.
His early career was in marketing and advertising before moving to central government. He now works for The Rivers Trust, which is a small conservation charity.
Alex lives with his family in central Farncombe, he has two boys in the local schools and is an active member of the local community. He spends most of his spare time trying to keep his two sons and dog exhausted and his wife happy, and occasionally gets the chance to go fly fishing.
Alex is really honoured to have been elected to the Town Council; he loves Godalming & Farncombe and will work hard to try and make it an even better place to live.

Nina Clayton (Green) represents the Farncombe & Catteshall Ward.
Position: | Deputy Mayor |
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee Policy & Management Committee |
GTC Representative for: | Fairtrade Steering Group |
Email: [email protected]
Nina was born in the UK but grew up in Belgium, speaking French and Dutch. After graduating from a Belgian state school, she worked as an assistant teacher in London, trained to be a scuba-diving guide and learnt graphic design. Nina got a BSc degree in Environmental Science from Bath Spa University in 2017. With this degree, Nina created and ran the Oceans Plastic branch of Marine Conservation Cambodia for 3 years.
Nina relocated to Godalming to be nearer her sister Lucy and her two nieces. Lucy and Nina run the zero waste shop and vegan cafe, Solar Sisters C.I.C., in Guildford. As well as offering plastic-free household necessities, food, drink and local produce, Solar Sisters is a valued community space offering classes, workshops, live music and opportunities to connect.
Nina has never owned a car, and is a very keen cyclist. She believes that the sum of our individual actions can truly have a positive impact on the world that we are creating for future generations. She is very happy to be the Green voice on the Town Council, and will always put people’s health and wellbeing at the forefront of all decision making.

Bob Crooks (Green) represents the Holloway Ward.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | District Scout Council |
Task & Finish Group: | CIL Project Governance |
Email: [email protected]
Bob and Veronica have lived in Godalming Holloway Ward since 1985. Their three children went to local Busbridge and Rodborough schools, and are now all married and bringing up their six grandchildren.
On graduating from York University in 1975 with a degree in Physics and Philosophy, Bob started his career in computing with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food MAFF as a Programmer Training Officer at its computer centre in Guildford. In 1980, he gained an MSc in Information Systems with distinction from the London School of Economics. He moved to work for Defra in Whitehall as a Programme Manager implementing the UK fishing vessel monitoring system (VMS). He went on to lead the EU Commission’s VMS Expert Group that drew up and agreed the regulations and then successfully drove the roll out of VMSs across all coastal states. On retirement in 2018, he joined the Green Party and became a Godalming Town Councillor for the Holloway Ward, being re-elected for a 2nd four-year term in the 2023 Council elections. During his first term of office, he chaired the Town Council’s Environment & Planning Committee and was Deputy Chair of its Audit Committee. He worked with other Councillors on its Youth Management Group to get community support for a Youth Worker, and is now overseeing the running of the Council’s Youth Services and its Youth Centre at Broadwater Park, serving some 30 youths each working day of the week.
Bob actively supports a number of local charities. In 1980, he helped establish Guildford Action (GA), a charity that continues to provide local services for the homeless and families in crisis. In 2007 he was awarded an MBE for this work. He helped set up and now chairs the trustee board for FurnitureLink Surrey, a charity for recycling furniture based in Merrow Business Park. He also sings with the Occam Singers, a chamber choir that puts on 4 concerts each year for local charities. He chaired their Board for some 7 years and remains on it as an ordinary member.
In his spare time he regularly plays squash, walks, cycles and swims.

Janet Crowe (Labour) represents the Farncombe & Catteshall Ward; she is also a Waverley Borough Councillor.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | Farncombe Day Centre |
Email: [email protected]
Janet has lived in Waverley, including in Farncombe, for over 30 years.  A retired criminologist, she has a particular interest in rehabilitation, helping people access employment, training and education, as well as general reform of the criminal justice system for both adults and young people. Now retired, she spends much of her time helping with her two small grandsons, is a Trustee at the Guildford Institute and has just been elected as a Waverley Borough Councillor.
Janet has volunteered at the Godalming & Villages Community Store, which was set up during Covid and now continues to support people through the cost-of-living crisis and she intends to offer whatever support she can to this vital resource.
Janet’s hobbies include interior design, reading, cooking and music.

Charlotte Downey nee Taylor (Labour) represents the Binscombe Ward.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | - |
Email: [email protected]
Charlotte grew up in Godalming attending Broadwater School and Godalming College before embarking on further training to become a solicitor. After studying at Manchester University and the University of Law in Guildford, Charlotte qualified as a solicitor 7 years ago and is currently working in house as Senior Legal Counsel.
Charlotte enjoys spending time with family and friends and loves music, theatre and film. Charlotte also loves spending time outdoors, hiking and running.

Stuart Downey (Labour) represents the Central & Ockford Ward
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | - |
Email: [email protected]
Originally from Liverpool Stuart moved south well over a decade ago and loves living in Godalming. Stuart qualified as a solicitor over 8 years ago and works nearby in Guildford for a local firm.
A keen cook, who loves spending time outdoors in the beautiful Surrey countryside. Stuart is a big rugby union fan and long-suffering supporter of Everton FC.

Adam Duce (Liberal Democrat) represents the Holloway Ward; he is also a Waverley Borough Councillor.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: |
Email:Â [email protected]
Adam was born and brought up in Weybridge before moving to Devon when he was 7 and returning to Surrey in 2015 to start his first teaching post at Godalming College. As well as teaching English, he is also the College’s Director of Progression overseeing the careers programme for students and their future destinations.
Adam first got elected to Godalming Town Council in 2019 and led on youth provision, establishing the Youth Service at Broadwater. He also campaigned for the creation of the Godalming Park Run. From 2022-23, Adam was Deputy Mayor of Godalming and was nominated and later a finalist for the Young Councillor of the Year Award (2022) hosted by NALC.
Adam is keen to grow the youth service and is committed to giving young people more opportunities locally. He is also enthusiastic about environmental initiatives.
Adam enjoys reading and, with his degree focussed on linguistics, loves to learn new words.

Paul Follows (Liberal Democrat) represents the Central & Ockford Ward; he is also a Waverley Borough Councillor and a Surrey County Councillor.
Position: | Leader of the Council |
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee Staffing Committee (ex officio) |
GTC Representative for: | - |
Email: [email protected]
Paul was born in Devon but has lived in Surrey for most of his life and Godalming for several years.
He studied at the University of Surrey in Guildford, obtaining undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in European and International Politics.
Paul co-founded a student-led think-tank with the University of Warwick on the subjects of terrorism and extremism (where he served as Programme Director) and has worked as a consultant researcher for planning at Surrey Heath Borough Council.
Currently, he is employed at one of the world’s largest security and defence companies covering compliance, standards and ethics for Europe and North America.
Paul is excited about being a Town and Waverley Borough Councillor and wants to build on the foundations that make Godalming a great place to live and work and to ensure that all the voices of our town are represented. He currently lives in Catteshall and in his spare time is a tenor with the Guildford Choral Society and an avid traveller.
Click here for Paul’s Register of Interests

Joan Heagin (Liberal Democrat) represents the Holloway Ward.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee Staffing Commmittee |
GTC Representative for: | Holloway Hill Sports Association |
Email: [email protected]
Joan was born in Northumberland, where she grew up on a hill farm. Â After gaining a degree in economics at Manchester University, she embarked on a career in insurance broking and risk management, most recently in the City of London. Â Since retirement in 2013, Joan has become involved in a number of local charities, with Citizens’ Advice as her primary focus.
She is very pleased to have lived in Godalming for over 20 years. Â It is a fantastic community, and a privilege to serve it as a councillor, which she has done since 2019.
Joan’s interests include bridge, travel, art in all its forms, theatre and opera.  Her family and friends cover the entire country, including her son who lives in Leicester.

Ed Holliday (Conservative) represents the Charterhouse Ward.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee Staffing Commmittee |
GTC Representative for: | Godalming & District Chamber of Commerce |
Task & Finish Group: | CIL Project Governance |
Email: [email protected]
Ed grew up in Guildford attending George Abbot School, before completing an Honours degree in Politics at Exeter University. Having lived in Godalming since 2009, Ed met his wife whilst participating in outdoor group fitness classes in Stoke Park, Guildford. He is now married with a young daughter who attends nursery in Farncombe and works in IT for a cyber security consultancy company.
Ed is passionate about maintaining the character and charm that makes Godalming a unique place to live and work. Along with his family and their dog, he enjoys a combination of walking and cycling to the High Street and supporting local independent businesses.

Tom Kiehl (Liberal Democrat) represents the Godalming Central & Ockford
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | St Mark's Community Centre Management Committee |
Email: [email protected]
Tom relocated with his young family to Godalming at the beginning of 2021. Having lived in both Godalming and Farncombe previously, Tom was inspired to return by the beautiful surroundings and fantastic amenities that the area has to offer.
Tom was born and brought up on the south coast before moving to Kent to study European Politics at university. Following graduation, he worked at the House of Lords for over a decade before moving to his current role at UK Music, the trade body which represents the entire music industry. Tom is currently the Deputy CEO and Director of Public Affairs at the organisation and was responsible at the start of the pandemic for leading the organisation’s response to the crisis.
Tom is passionate about access and opportunity. In his professional life, Tom works across the music industry on initiatives to unlock talent and potential in young people, as well as increasing provision for the arts amongst the disadvantaged and vulnerable.
Tom’s priorities include enhancing Godalming’s cultural offer, supporting youth services and projects to tackle anti-social behaviour, as well as backing local shops, hospitality and small businesses to ensure their continued sustainability following the pandemic.

Peter Martin (Conservative) represents the Holloway Ward; he is also a Waverley Borough Councillor.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee Audit Committee |
GTC Representative for: | - |
Email: [email protected]
Peter Martin moved to Godalming with his wife Rachel and three now grown-up children in 1984. He graduated with an Honours Degree in Geography from the University of Durham and is a Fellow of the Chartered Certified Accountants Association. Â He served with Voluntary Service Overseas in Khartoum, Sudan, for two years before working for over 30 years in the international IT industry, holding senior positions in Finance and Marketing in London, New York and Paris.
Peter was first elected to Godalming Town Council in 1991 and was the Town Mayor in 2005. He is also a Waverley Borough Councillor and was a Surrey County Councillor until 2021. He has served the community in many ways as Chairman of Governors of St Catherine’s School, Bramley, Chairman of the Surrey Civilian-Military Partnership Board, Chairman of Forces Connect South East, Vice Chairman of the Godalming Performing Arts Festival and is a Board Member of Surrey Hills Enterprises. He is also active with various church, music and sports organisations.
Peter wants to preserve the character and charm of our lovely town while at the same time ensuring its continued vibrancy and enterprise – which makes Godalming such a wonderful place in which to live.

Paul Rivers (Liberal Democrat) represents the Binscombe Ward; he is also a Waverley Borough Councillor.
Position: | Mayor |
Committee Membership: | - |
GTC Representative for: | District Scout Council (ex officio) |
Email: [email protected]
Paul has lived in Godalming since 1976 when he came here from Oxford University while completing his Doctorate in Bio-physics. He taught physics at Charterhouse for three years before moving to the City.
Paul has had a long career in IT and compliance. He is married to Penny and is a father of four (now adults).
Paul is currently Church Warden of St John the Evangelist, Farncombe.
He was elected to Godalming Town Council and Waverley Borough Council in 2003 and served as Town Mayor in 2008 and is very pleased to be able to serve the community again.

Penny Rivers (Liberal Democrat) represents the Farncombe & Catteshall Ward; she is also a Waverley Borough Councillor and Surrey County Councillor.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | Godalming/Mayen Association |
Email: [email protected]
Penny was born in Kingston, Jamaica. She came to live in England in 1974; Godalming quickly became home.
She married Paul in 1979 in St Peter & St Paul’s Parish Church.
Penny is mother to 4 Rivulets all of whom attended local state schools.
She was elected to Godalming Town Council in 1995 and served 16 years, twice as Town mayor.
Penny worships at St John the Evangelist, Farncombe and is currently the County Councillor for Godalming North.

Michael Steel (Liberal Democrat) represents the Charterhouse Ward.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | Godalming Museum Trust |
Email: [email protected]
Michael and his wife Jane were both born in Godalming and have lived here for most of their lives. Michael attended Godalming Grammar school and Guildford College and is a chartered accountant having trained and qualified with a local firm. He now works part-time as a consultant for a firm in Haslemere.
Michael and Jane have three adult children and three grandchildren. They are both involved in youth work and up until recently were foster carers to approximately 30 children.
Michael has been a governor of two local schools and has been involved with several local charities and organisations including Godalming CAB.
Michael has served several terms on Godalming Town Council and was town mayor in 1993/4 and 2021/22.
His hobbies include cricket (as a spectator!), music, reading and walking.

Ruth Thomson (Liberal Democrat) represents the Central & Ockford Ward.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | - |
Email: [email protected]
Ruth was born and educated in Scotland. After graduating from Glasgow University with a BSc in Molecular Biology she moved to London to train as a chartered accountant having decided that life as a scientist was not for her.
Ruth lived in London for 30 years before moving to Godalming four and a half years ago. She thinks Godalming is a wonderful place to live and decided to stand for election to the town council and is incredibly honoured to have been elected.
Having worked in senior finance positions in a wide variety of organisations across her career, Ruth is looking forward to using her financial skills and knowledge in her new role as councillor and as Deputy Chair of the audit committee.
Ruth is treasurer for the Farncombe Day Centre.
Ruth lives in central Farncombe. As well as pottering on the vegetable patch in her garden, Ruth loves walking and hiking, the theatre and spending time with friends.

Clare Weightman (Independent) represents the Binscombe Ward.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | Godalming Museum Trust |
Email: [email protected]
Clare was born in South Africa to expat parents from the north of England. Growing up during the transition from Apartheid to democracy under Nelson Mandela, as well as attending one of South Africa’s first non-racial schools, shaped her political outlook and gave her a strong belief in social justice and democratic accountability. An incorrigible bookworm, she has an Honours degree in Classics and Archaeology and an MA in Ancient History from the University of Cape Town, where she also lectured in Classics for a time.
In 2007, Clare left the southern tip of Africa for a gap year travelling around the exotic attractions of the UK and Europe, but is somehow still here. In 2008, she started working in the academic book trade for a company based at the time in Catteshall Park, but relocating to Oxfordshire – and on her first day in the job met the man who is now her husband. After working in the book trade in Oxford for five years, she retrained as a teacher and currently teaches in a secondary school in Woking.
While taking a break from teaching after her son was born, she and her husband moved to Binscombe in 2019. Clare is especially concerned about the urgent need to protect our environment and community against the climate and biodiversity crises and to provide local services for families facing ever-increasing economic pressures. She was proud and honoured to be first elected to serve her neighbours and community in Binscombe in a by-election in 2021.

Steve Williams (Independent) represents the Charterhouse Ward; he is also a Waverley Borough Councillor.
Committee Membership: | Environment & Planning Committee |
GTC Representative for: | - |
Email: [email protected]
Steve has lived in Robin Hill in the Charterhouse ward since 2007 and has represented the ward on Godalming Town Council and Waverley Borough Council since 2019. A former headteacher, he now works as a freelance education consultant.
Steve was Deputy Leader of Godalming Town Council from 2019 to 2022 and has been the portfolio holder for Environment and Sustainability for Waverley Borough Council since 2019. He moved the motion declaring a climate and ecological emergency at Godalming Town Council in 2019 and is committed to ensuring that GTC promotes climate justice alongside social justice.
Steve has long been a member of Compass, an organisation that describes itself as home for everyone who wants to be part of a much more equal, democratic, and sustainable future. He founded South West Surrey Compass in 2015, is a current co-chair of the organisation and is passionate about cross-party collaboration and progressive politics, locally and nationally.