This page tells you what to do if your organisation wishes to apply for a grant from Godalming Town Council. Grants applied for must have a direct benefit to the Parish of Godalming or all or some of its residents.
Grants will be considered under three categories as follows:
The Council’s Community Grants Fund is primarily aimed at providing grants of less than £1,500 for initiatives identified by Members that are of benefit to the local community, or which community groups and residents have brought to the attention of Members as being of benefit to an area within the civic parish of Godalming or will provide a benefit to residents of the parish.
Further Information
Applications for grant wards from the Community Grants Fund are required to be ‘sponsored’ by at least two Members of the Council in order to bring it to committee. The applicant or one of the Members supporting the application is required to email the Town Clerk (townclerk@godalming-tc.gov.uk) with the details of the initiative/project, setting out:
- The aim of the initiative/project;
- Who it will benefit;
- The sum being applied for and the purpose for which the grant will be used;
- Who will be responsible for the delivery of the initiative/project; and
- The names of the Councillors ‘sponsoring’ the application.
Contact information for Councillors
Applications supported by Councillors will be considered at the Policy & Management Committee meetings held in July, October and February.
The criteria for a Community Fund award should meet the basic selection criteria ie. be of benefit to the community.
The Policy & Management Committee meets in public, and you are welcome to attend the meeting to hear the committee discuss your grant application please contact the Town Clerk at the address above or on 01483 523575 or at townclerk@godalming-tc.gov.uk for details of how to attend a meeting.
Further information can be found in the Council’s Grant Funding Policy & Procedures
Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) applications can be applied for from Godalming Town Council and can be used for:
- the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure, or
- anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on Godalming.
For further information please use the following links:
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are an instrument through which the Council guarantees a specified level of financial support for an agreed period of time for the provision of a specific service that benefits the community. Such arrangements allow the service provider the financial security to invest in a service and the Council with measurable outcomes for the support provided. Further information can be found in the Council’s Grant Funding Policy & Procedures
Applications for consideration under this category must be received no later than the first Monday in August and will be considered by the Council at its September meeting. Any award granted will be effective from 1 April the following calendar year.
If you wish to apply under this category you are advised to contact the Town Clerk to discuss either by calling 01483 523575 or emailing townclerk@godalming-tc.gov.uk