Most of the Council’s business is done in Committee meetings and there are four standing committees of the Council (the Policy & Management Committee; the Environment & Planning Committee; the Audit Committee and the Staffing Committee). Each standing committee of the Council may also appoint working groups that have a life of just a year and meet informally. The Council’s Committees each consist of between five and nineteen Town Councillors.
Please find more details about Town Councillors here.
Meetings of the Council and its Committees are conducted in accordance with Standing Orders which may be found here.
The Audit Committee provides assurance of the adequacy of the risk management framework and the associated control environment and oversees the financial reporting process. The Audit Committee was created as a standing committee of the Council in May 2013, before that it was a Sub-Committee of the Policy & Management Committee. The Audit Committee meets three times a year.
Agendas and minutes for all Committee meetings may be found here.
See the calendar with Audit Committee dates.
Membership of the Audit Committee | |
Chair | |
Vice Chair |
The formation of the Environment & Planning Committee was agreed at Full Council on Thursday, 26 September 2019. The Environment & Planning Committee’s first meeting will be in January 2020 and its functions will be to address and, where appropriate, formulate policy for consideration by the Council and to discharge the Council’s functions relating to the local environment and infrastructure. It will also include identifying key environment and planning issues whilst taking into account the natural and built environment. Consideration will be given to issues in relation to local, regional plans or other planning, highway matters brought to the Town Council’s attention.
Members will make decisions on applications made to the Council by local organisations for funding from the Council’s new Carbon-Reduction and Mitigation Grant Scheme.
When considering planning applications, the Committee will seek to ensure compliance with the policies set out in the Godalming & Farncombe Neighbourhood Plan.
Agendas and minutes for all Committee meetings may be found here.
The Environment & Planning Committee meets approximately every three weeks.
See the calendar with Environment & Planning Committee dates.
Membership of the Environment & Planning Committee | |
Vice Chair | |
Chair | |
The Policy & Management Committee manages the Council’s funds and properties, prepares the annual budget and makes recommendations to the Council on general policy matters. The Committee is also responsible for managing media relations, committee arrangements and day-to-day functions. Its job is also to promote and develop good relations and effective partnerships with other authorities, with the public and with voluntary and charitable organisations in the town.
Agendas and minutes for all Committee meetings may be found here.
The Policy & Management Committee meets approximately every six weeks.
See the calendar with Policy & Management Committee dates.
Membership of the Policy & Management Committee | |
Chair | |
Vice Chair | |
The Staffing Committee is responsible for making recommendations about staffing, appointments and any other staff-related matters.
Agendas and minutes for all Committee meetings may be found here.
See the calendar with Staffing Committee dates.
Membership of the Staffing Committee | |
Vice Chair | |
Chair | |
Chair of P&M - Councillor Paul Follows | ex officio |